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Mail Secure Version 2 Updates
Mail Secure Version 2 Updates
Omer Kushmirski avatar
Written by Omer Kushmirski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

MailSecure, Release Notes V2.0.28

New Features and Improvements

  • Date in Daily Report Subject
    The subject of daily reports now includes the current date (e.g., "(Dec 25, 2024)").

  • Configurable Spoofing Email Release Restriction
    A new option has been added that allows administrators to restrict spoofed email releases. When enabled, only admin users will have permission to release spoofed emails.

  • Password Management Enhancements

    • Added a password reveal button on user creation/edit screens.

    • Implemented new password restrictions: passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one uppercase letter, one special character, two digits, and three lowercase letters.

  • Domain and Mailbox Normalization

    • Domain names are now automatically converted to lowercase upon creation.

    • During Office 365 sync, domain names and mailboxes are also normalized to lowercase.

  • LDAP and Office 365 Sync Logging

    • Added logging of Office 365 sync events in the journal (e.g., "Office365 Sync -> Update Group," "Office365 Sync -> Create User," "Office365 Sync -> Create Mailbox").

    • Added logging of LDAP sync events in the journal (e.g., "LDAP Sync -> Update Group," "LDAP Sync -> Create User," "LDAP Sync -> Create Mailbox").

Bug Fixes

  • Daily Reports

    • Fixed an issue where daily reports were going to spam.

    • Fixed an issue where daily reports appeared in block format instead of table format.

  • LDAP Sync Issues

    • Fixed an issue where LDAP auto-sync every six hours was not working correctly.

    • Fixed an issue where the LDAP context section did not auto-fill despite correct details being entered.

  • Office 365 and LDAP Connector Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where users saw an error message after successfully establishing an Office 365 connector.

    • Fixed an issue where syncing Office 365 users by license returned no results unless "All" was selected.

    • Removed the "Prefix" field from the LDAP connector settings.

  • Email Release and Quarantine Fixes

    • Fixed an issue preventing users from releasing emails.

    • Fixed an issue where the Domain Quarantine Manager would kick users out when accessing policy rules.

    • The Domain Quarantine Manager now correctly displays only spam emails, excluding attachment blocks and blacklisted emails.

  • General UI and System Fixes

    • Fixed a UI issue when using the system without an internet connection.

    • Fixed an issue where the password field required a phone number when updating a user, even if MFA was disabled. Now, a phone number is only required when MFA is enabled.

    • Fixed an issue where a user's role would change unexpectedly.

    • Fixed a distribution group duplication bug.

    • Fixed an issue where users couldn't see email content in dark mode.

    • Fixed an issue where spoofing detection did not work properly with SPF records.

    • Added "xlsm" to the attachment rule extension list.

    • Removed the 101-user limit on user imports. Now, files with more than 101 users can be imported successfully.

MailSecure, Release Notes V2.0.27

New Features and Improvements

Enhanced Office 365 Connector

User Selection Page:

Added a "Select Users" page for the Office 365 connector, allowing more granular control over synced users.

Domain and Mailbox Normalization:

Implemented automatic conversion of domain names and mailboxes to lowercase during Office 365 synchronization to ensure consistency and avoid mismatches.

Event Logging for Office 365 Sync:

Office 365 synchronization events are now logged in the journal, providing detailed records of actions such as "Office365 Sync -> Update Group," "Office365 Sync -> Create User," and "Office365 Sync -> Create Mailbox" for better traceability.

Bug Fixes

Office 365 Connection Issues

Resolved an issue where a customer successfully established a connector with Office 365 but still received an error message indicating that something was wrong.

Office 365 Sync by License

Fixed a problem where syncing by license in the Office 365 connector failed to return results. Previously, the system would only sync users when the "All" option was selected. Sync by license now works as intended.

User Role Changes

Addressed an issue where user roles would unexpectedly change by themselves. User roles are now maintained correctly and only updated as intended.

MailSecure, Release Notes V2.0.26

New Features and Improvements

Option to Release Emails Blocked by Outgoing License:

Added the ability to release emails that were blocked due to missing outgoing licenses. Users can now manually release these emails, ensuring smoother email management.

Virus Details for Emails Scanned by Sandbox:

Enhanced the email scanning feature by adding detailed virus information to emails analyzed by the Sandbox, providing greater transparency and security insights.

Support for Custom Logo Sizes in Reports:

Users can now upload logos of any size to customize their reports, offering more flexibility and personalization.

Bug Fixes

Blacklisted Emails Not Releasable:

Resolved an issue where emails could not be released after being blacklisted. Emails can now be managed and released as expected.

Empty Daily Reports:

Fixed a problem where daily reports were still being sent empty when users selected "Hide Blacklisted" and "Show Blocked Traffic Only" without any data to display. Empty reports will no longer be sent under these conditions.

Incorrect Footnote Display in Non-UTF-8 Encodings:

Addressed a bug where footnotes were displayed incorrectly in emails with non-UTF-8 encodings. Footnotes now render properly regardless of encoding.

Daily Report Display Format:

Resolved an issue where changes to daily report rules from block format to table format were not being saved, resulting in reports being displayed incorrectly. Reports now adhere to the selected rule format.

BMD Percentage Indicator Missing:

Fixed a bug where the BMD (Business Mail Delivery) feature did not display the percentage indicator after sending an email. This information is now shown correctly.

MailSecure, Release Notes V2.0.25

New Features and Improvements

User Timezone Management for Daily Reports
Added the option to set user-specific time zones in user profile settings and user management. The times shown in daily reports will now reflect the selected time zone for each user, improving accuracy and personalization.

Hebrew Language Option for Daily Reports
Introduced support for sending daily reports in Hebrew. Users can now select Hebrew as the language for their reports, providing a localized experience for Hebrew-speaking clients.

Bug Fixes

Email Preview Display in Mail Traffic Management
Resolved an issue affecting email previews in the Mail Traffic Management panel, where emails, especially in Hebrew, were not displayed correctly. The view panel now renders content properly, maintaining the original formatting and character display.

Journaling Activity Logging
Fixed a bug on the tenant "WOLBERG.PRO - PRODUCTION" where the journaling feature was only logging visits to the "Reports" section but not recording other actions. Journaling now accurately logs all activities, including creating, updating, and deleting rules, as well as interactions with reports, user management, licensed modules, and settings.

Handling of L2R Rejects with Empty from=<>
Addressed an issue where L2R (Local-to-Remote) messages with an empty from=<> during SMTP sessions were incorrectly rejected. The system now handles these scenarios properly, allowing legitimate emails without a from header to pass through without rejection.

Email Parsing Error for Non-Multipart Emails
Resolved an issue where the email scanner would fail if an email's headers indicated it was multipart, but the actual content was not. The scanner now correctly identifies and processes such emails without errors.

Handling Incorrect Base64 Encoded Email Parts
Fixed an issue where the parser would fail when encountering incorrectly Base64-encoded parts within an email. The system now processes these parts more robustly, ensuring continued functionality despite encoding errors.

MailSecure Version 2.0.24

New Features and Improvements

Block Reason Display in Daily Report

Added the ability to display the reason behind blocked emails in daily reports. Reasons such as spam, attachment issues, virus detection, or sandbox threats are now clearly shown. This feature provides greater transparency for users to understand why certain emails were blocked.

Daily Report View Options: Blocks and Table

Introduced a new feature allowing users to choose between "Block" view and "Table" view when generating daily reports. This change addresses customer feedback about reports appearing too lengthy. Users can now select their preferred view, providing more flexibility in report presentation.

Solution Owner Ability to Change User Passwords

Solution Owners now have the ability to change passwords for their users, giving them more control over user management and improving administrative efficiency.

Solution Owner Ability to Enable/Disable 2FA for Users

Solution Owners can now turn two-factor authentication (2FA) on or off for users, enhancing control over security settings.

Spoofing Whitelist Enhancement: "Is Local IP" Checkbox

Added a new checkbox labeled "Is Local IP" in the spoofing whitelist settings. This option is available only when the spoofing whitelist is enabled. Emails sent from IPs in this list, if marked as local but not included in SPF records, will now be categorized as L2L (Local-to-Local) or L2R (Local-to-Remote), ensuring accurate handling of local traffic.

Bug Fixes

Bug Fix: Unable to Delete Spam Rules

Fixed an issue where certain users were unable to delete spam rules. This update ensures all users can manage and remove spam rules without encountering errors.

MailSecure Version 2.0.23

New Features

Big Mail Data
Introduced the Big Mail Data feature, allowing users to send large files with additional security options:

  • Files can be set with an expiration date.

  • Password protection and 2FA (two-factor authentication) can be enabled for file access.

  • Enhanced user experience with an estimated time and percentage indicator during file uploads.

Custom Header Image in Outgoing Emails
Added an option in the .env configuration to change the header image in outgoing emails.

Domain Creation on New Customer Setup
When creating a new customer, a domain is now automatically created based on the email provided as the company admin email.

Spam Rules for Foreign Emails
Updated spam rules to restrict the addition of rules for foreign emails. Users must now specify an email or domain to create a spam rule.

Email Box Validation for "." Character
Changed email box validation rules to allow the use of a period (".") in the mailbox name.

Bug Fixes

Email Reception Issue
Fixed a bug where users stopped receiving emails from certain senders.

Spoofing Protection Issue
Resolved an issue where spoofing protection details were not displayed for sender IPs or headers.

URL Scan Button Addition
Fixed an issue with URL scanning where the option to "Continue anyway (not recommended)" was missing. A button has been added to the URL scan feature.

Adult Filter Whitelisting
Fixed a problem with the adult content filter where users could not whitelist emails blocked by content filtering.

Rule Visibility Issue
Addressed an issue where the number of rules was not visible without expanding the specific rule section.

MailSecure Version 2.0.22

Bug Fixes

Daily Report Display in Outlook Desktop App
Resolved an issue where the daily report was misaligned in the Outlook Desktop app. The report is now correctly center-aligned.

First-Time Daily Report Sending
Fixed an issue where the daily report was not being sent correctly to all recipients the first time it was scheduled.

New Feature

Distinct Button Colors in Daily Reports
Each action button in the daily report (release, allow sender, allow domain, block sender, block domain) now has a distinct color, improving usability and clarity.

MailSecure Version 2.0.21

New Features and Improvements

Address Rule Conflict Prevention
Implemented validation to prevent the creation of conflicting rules:

  • If a black rule exists for an exact address, no white rule can be created for the same address.

  • If a white rule exists for an exact address, no black rule can be created for the same address.

Added Spam Score to Local Domain Creation
Introduced the "Spam Score" field in Settings -> Local domains -> Add/Edit. This allows users to assign a specific spam score to domains. Emails with a score higher than the domain's spam score are automatically quarantined.

Enhanced Monit Configuration
Improved Monit configuration to automatically restart the Kaspersky service when necessary, enhancing system reliability.

Custom Certificate Management
Added the ability to apply customer certificates. This feature is available exclusively for on-premises, single-tenant installations.

Domain Creation Enhancements

  • Smarthost: Added support for configuring Smarthost settings, including SPF authentication.

  • Username and Password: Enforced minimum and maximum lengths for usernames (4-64 characters) and passwords (8-64 characters). Spaces at the beginning and end are not allowed.

  • Added support for manual IP authentication.

Bug Fixes

Change Rules Checking
Updated rules checking mechanisms to correctly handle emails containing specific characters, ensuring accurate rule application.

Relay IPs Handling
Added functionality to include relay IPs in the IP list to bypass spoofing checks. Emails from these IPs are now categorized as L2R (Local-to-Remote) or L2L (Local-to-Local).

Postfix Configuration Update
Fixed an issue with multiple submission blocks occurring in Postfix configuration after repeated executions of ms-update-config. This update ensures the configuration remains clean after multiple updates.

MailSecure Version 2.0.20

New Features and Improvements

Spoofing Allow List Configuration
Added the option to allow spoofing from FQDN in the configuration file. Administrators can now configure specific email addresses and domains to bypass spoofing checks, providing greater flexibility in managing trusted senders.

Bug Fixes

Attachment Removal Issue
Resolved an issue where incoming emails had their attachments removed during scanning. This fix ensures that attachments are no longer erroneously stripped from emails.

Broken Reports from URLSCAN
Fixed a problem where incoming emails from specific senders arrived with broken "Report" attachments due to URLSCAN. Reports will now be received intact and unaltered.


Database Migration
Successfully migrated the domain from Pineapp to Cyfox. The existing database was dropped and replaced with a new DB dump provided by the client, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity of service.

Rspamd Migration
The Bayes module DB has been moved to a separate Redis database.

Mail Secure Version 2.0: Introducing milter Support to Mail Secure

Email filtering is a critical component of any modern mail server. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the introduction of Milter support to Mail Secure. This update, driven by user feedback, facilitates the integration of both new and existing Milter filters, enhancing the server's capabilities in inspecting, filtering, or modifying emails during processing.

Upon receiving an email, Mail Secure invokes the configured Milter filters, which can inspect, modify, or reject the message by altering headers, changing the body, or removing content. The changes from each Milter are combined, ensuring a unified modification process. After all Milters have been applied, any modified message is moved to the Mail Secure SMTP queue for further processing and delivery.

In addition to the new Milter functionality, the latest version also includes multiple bug fixes and enhancements.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The issue with scheduled reports not arriving as planned has been addressed, ensuring their timely delivery. This update strengthens the dependability of the reporting system, providing accurate insights for effective management and analysis.

  • In the latest update, every member of a distribution group will now be synced if their domains are available in the application. This enhancement ensures a comprehensive synchronization of distribution group members, optimizing the user management experience.

  • Previously, when an email blocked due to disabled outgoing direction license was released, delays or non-reception issues occurred at the recipient end. With the latest fix, enabling the outgoing direction license ensures prompt and reliable email delivery to the intended recipient.

  • Previously, emails containing Hebrew characters faced delivery issues. The latest fix ensures the successful delivery of emails with Hebrew characters, eliminating any prior challenges.

  • We identified and addressed a license filter malfunction in Office 365, ensuring it now functions seamlessly. With this fix, customers can effectively utilize the license filter, allowing them to selectively sync users based on chosen licenses. The fixed license filter is now available for customers to optimize user synchronization with ease.

  • Resolved the problem of email log visibility for distribution group messages in Mail Traffic Management. Users can now view and manage the logs of all emails sent to their distribution groups.

  • This release fixes the issue of scanning exe URL’s and displaying the correct result page. Users can now scan any exe URL without encountering any errors.

  • The latest fix prevents the admin from updating the domains that are already in use by other users. This ensures the security and integrity of the domain names.

  • This release enables the uploading of new attachments and extensions in Big Mail data, such as MP4, MKV, AVI, MPEG, DWG, and DWF. Users can now send and receive these types of files in their emails.

  • Fixed the domain spoofing tags issue in MTM for the IP’s listed in the allowed network. Users can now send emails from these IP’s without getting spoofed tags.

  • In this update, we've diligently addressed and resolved the issue associated with importing bulk users from an Excel sheet. Users can now experience a streamlined process without any performance slowdowns. This fix not only ensures the efficient import of many users but also contributes to an overall smoother and faster user management experience.

  • In this release, we've successfully addressed an issue related to email forwarding. Previously, when creating a rule with notifications to the sender, recipient, and administrator, forwarding was not functioning correctly. With this fix, users can now confidently set up rules with comprehensive notifications, ensuring that emails are forwarded smoothly as intended.

  • In this update, we've resolved a recurring issue related to license synchronization through LDAP. Previously, users were receiving frequent notification emails incorrectly stating insufficient licenses when, in fact, there were available licenses. With this fix, our system will now accurately send notifications to customers only when their licenses are entirely consumed.

  • In response to user feedback, we've resolved an issue related to the reception of daily reports. Users will now reliably receive daily reports on time, addressing any previous delays. Additionally, a fix has been implemented to ensure that reports are delivered only once, eliminating the occurrence of duplicated reports. This update enhances the reliability and accuracy of our reporting system, providing users with a more streamlined and effective experience.

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